5 Great Marriage Lessons from the Least Likely Pla...
What I love about writer, Kim Hall, is her ability to uncover marriage lessons in the unlikeliest of places.
One of the greatest truths I've learned over my 38-year life is...
Monday, Jul 21, 2014 Read More
6 Surprising Benefits of Dating Your Husband
Oh, the joys of dating! Sometimes when I hear people talk about date night, they make it sound so obligatory. Because someone...
Monday, Mar 02, 2015 Read More
Want a Happier Marriage? Research Says Do This, No...
*Welcome to week four of this 12-week series based on the New York Times® bestselling book, Happy Wives Club. Join me each week as I share 12 principles about marriage I’ve learned from some of the happiest couples around the world.*
Monday, Mar 02, 2015 Read More
In a previous life, I was an innkeeper. My parents, my husband and I ran a family-friendly B&B that routinely hosted 30+ individuals per weekend. We were regularly trying new recipes for flavor and their ability to be made ahead. When we found dishes that had a terrific home-style taste and that could be prepared at least a day or more before, we'd put them in...
Thursday, Apr 17, 2014 Read More
Strong & Happy Marriages Begin Here: Harnessing th...
Earlier this week, I published this fabulous post by Maggie Reyes. In it, she answers a very simple question:
What is the best marriage advice you've...
Wednesday, Apr 02, 2014 Read More