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Lose Weight & Look Great: The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Lose Weight & Look Great: The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Over the years apple cider vinegar has been used for many different reasons.  From cleaning a pot, to making pickles, and dying Easter eggs, people have used it faithfully.  Many home remedies have been passed down through the ages from fighting acne, to fighting fat.   It can even help you get swimsuit ready just in time for summer!

Today we’ll look at some of the benefits of apple cider vinegar as it pertains to your health and beauty.

As with most folk remedies, many have not been thoroughly tested.  But, there are a few tests that have been done with apple cider vinegar (or ACV as it’s also called) that give a glimpse of hope that some of the claims made by our ancestors of this product may be true.  We are still in the beginning stages of finding out what apple cider vinegar really can do. (Note: As with all health programs and advice, please consult your doctor before starting anything new.)

Apple Cider Vinegar may help with the following; diabetes, lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, killing or slowing the growth of some cancer cells, and weight loss.

Folk remedies to some common problems:

Post Workout: Feeling fatigued? Apple Cider Vinegar contains potassium and enzymes that may help you get the post workout energy you are looking for.  It has amino acids that can possibly fight the lactic acid build up your workout caused.  Try adding a 1-2 tablespoons of ACV to a full glass of water or even your smoothie. 

Indigestion:  Stir 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of warm water. Drink 30 minutes before you dine on food you will be “indulging” in like a buffet or birthday party dinner.

Sore Throat: When your throat starts to tickle, try ACV to stop it in its track.  A lot of germs can’t thrive or survive in apple cider vinegar.  Mix ¼ cup warm water and ¼ cup of ACV and gargle it every hour.

Beauty Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar:

Skin Toner: ACV helps to balance your skin’s natural pH levels.  The beautiful Scarlet Johansson uses it to wash her face.  For sensitive skin a 1:4 ratio of ACV to water is a good place to start. If you have a pimple, apply full strength with a cotton swap straight onto the pimple. 

Natural Hair Conditioner: That’s right your hair can look shiny and beautiful using apple cider vinegar. Commercial shampoos strip your hair.  Using an ACV rinse can remove buildup, and help with dandruff issues too. I dilute my ACV with water and use a spray bottle to apply. I let it sit on for a couple of minutes and then rinse out. I also use it on my daughter’s hair which is very curly and kinky, it helps to detangle her hair.  It has been a miracle for us. No more tears, for me or my daughter,  when I comb through her hair.

Don’t worry the smell dissipates. You won’t smell like an all you can eat salad bar.  Your body on the inside and outside will thank you for it.

So go on…live your healthiest life!


Annett Davis is an Olympian in Beach Volleyball. She loves great food and helping people get healthy over at Her favorite topics are marriage and anything fitness related. Being married to her soul mate, Life Coach and author Byron Davis for 16 wonderful years, Annett loves being a homeschooling mom of 2. She blogs over at, and inspires kids to grandmas to get in shape for life in her private accountability groups.

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