7 Practical Ways to Take Your Marriage From Good to Great
Here is one of the things I love most about this club. We run the gamut from women in powerful corporate positions to stay-at-home moms to entrepreneurs to women pursuing every passion project imaginable.
When I first met Courtney Joseph, I was amazed at how much she loved being a stay-at-home mom. And I mean she LOVES it!
The pleasure she gets out of doing the dishes, folding laundry and cooking dinner, is the same pleasure I get from being an entrepreneur.
When her husband comes home, it’s usually to a clean house with dinner on the table.
When my husband comes home, it’s more often than not to a “straightened up” house (if I get to it before him) and I’m a master “take out” chef.
How we take care of our homes couldn’t be more different but how we love on our husbands is exactly the same: Just the way they like it!
Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a corporate raider, this post has wisdom for us all.
Until tomorrow…make it a great day!
Back in November of 2009, I was featured on the Rachael Ray Show. I was not featured because I had some depth of wisdom on marriage but rather I was “Exhibit A” of a “Happy Wife”. Their producers zeroed in specifically on how I shared that it was a joy for me to take care of my husband.
They sent a camera crew to my home to record me cooking, cleaning and taking care of our children with a smile. It certainly didn’t feel television worthy, but to Rachael Ray, I was an anomaly. During our interview, she sought to understand how a girl with a college degree could find fulfillment in this. She even went so far as to ask the audience, with a show of hands, how many found this offensive?
This will only be offensive if you are comparing your marriage to my marriage. But since you are unique and your husband is unique; then you have a unique marriage. It’s important that we learn what works best in each of our own marriages as we seek to please our own husband and no one else.
Here are 7 practical ways to take your marriage from good to great.
- Tell your husband you like him! This is different than just saying you love him. It can be so habitual to say “I love you”, that it loses its meaning. But truly does he know that you like and enjoy him as a person? Have you told him lately?
- Praise his good decisions.
- Be gracious with his bad decisions.
- When you disagree with him, discuss it in private – not in front of the kids or friends. The respect you give him will draw him nearer to you.
- Work toward not being critical of your husband – compliment him. Your husband married you because you made him feel wonderful. Continue to make him feel this way.
- Listen –- every husband is different. Open your heart and listen intently to his frustrations, worries, and fears.
This list takes a lot of selflessness and you may feel like your husband will never reciprocate – but a great marriage with deep intimacy doesn’t happen overnight. It takes practice and developing healthy habits that enrich both of your lives so you can reap the blessings that God desires for you and your marriage.
So do it — try number one right now! Text, email, facebook or tweet your husband and tell him you like him.
Then when you see him next – praise him for a good decision he has made. Surely you can think of at least one – he married you right? That’s a good decision! He will walk two inches taller.
Proceed to numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 and trust me – he’ll LOVE number 7 and I bet you will too if you are practicing the first six.
Need more encouragement in your walk with God, marriage, parenting and homemaking? Then join thousands of women who have begun the journey through my newly released book titled, Women Living Well: Finding Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your kids and Your Home. Don’t forget to download your free Companion Study Guide >> here <<.
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- 7 Practical Ways to Take Your Marriage From Good to Great - October 28, 2013
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