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Free Date Idea: Take a Fantasy Tour Around the Globe

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

Happy anniversary!  Can you believe it’s been a full year since the Happy Wives Club book was released on January 7, 2014.  Where did the time go?

Since it is, technically, it’s birthday or anniversary, or whatever celebratory thing you want to call it, how about we create a brand new -and scrumptiously unique- date idea?

Free date ideas are the best kind in my book. With at least 52 potential weekly date nights in a year, you can never have too many ideas to choose from. And if your hubby is like mine and loves variety, it’s a great idea to have a few plans in your back pocket and ready to go.

Today we are combining food, travel, TV, *and* using a little inspiration from the Happy Wives Club book– what’s not to love?

One of my favorite parts of the Happy Wives Club book was feeling like I was seeing, smelling and tasting all the places Fawn went to interview happy couples and learn their secrets to happy marriages.

When I was thinking about a FUN and FREE date night idea, I remembered how much fun The Hubs and I have watching House Hunters International and fantasizing about whether or not we would ever live anywhere but home.

Soooo I thought it would be even more fun to go on a fantasy vacation, inspired by the fabulous locales in the Happy Wives Club Book and approved by the hubby!

What you will need:

1. Laptop or Tablet – to cue up the Travel Channel’s website.

I suggest taking all the links below and opening them in new tabs, that way they are cued up and ready to go so you have the mechanics out of the way and can snuggle and discuss as you go along the tour.

2. Some yummy food – check out great snack ideas inspired by the book (see links to fabulous recipes at the end of every country I’ve listed below.)

3. A little conversation – one of my favorite things to do with the hubby is PAUSE THE TV and DISCUSS. Would we want to go there? What do we want to see? Is it a “must-go-before-we-die-place?” or a “would-be-nice-but-eh-place?”

Ready for the World Tour? (You don’t even need a passport! Score.)

Cape Town, South Africa

This one is on my own bucket list. I loved this video because I must admit, I was curious to see the South African version of McDonald’s. It does not disappoint.

The recipes from this fabulous part of the world:

And who could forget about the red cappuccino’s Fawn raved about, and are only served as espresso’s in South Africa? Well, this may not be identical but I think we found a way to enjoy the taste without needing to take the flight: 

Perth, Australia

When I was a kid Olivia Newton John was one of my idols (thank you, Grease! And yes, it’s still the word.) So Australia has been magical and beautiful since I was 13. When Oprah went during her final season, I fell in love with it all over again.

When I was looking for the most viewed videos on Australia it turned out to be a review of their Superman roller coaster.

That reminded me of one of the things I just love about travel – the way you can plan a thousand details and yet a place will surprise you and the last thing you thought you would ever do there turns out to be your favorite part.

So, here is the link to Superman Down Under -

And a little dive into the Great Barrier Reef –

And a little 5 Star Spa Day to relax after all that exploring!

And we can’t forget some great local recipes from down under (or what the locals call “Oz”) - 


Since we are half way around the world already, let’s just hop over to Mauritius for some “Street Eats” and snacks.

Don’t forget to try out some of the fabulous Creole food from Mauritius -

Or you can do what Fawn did when dining with a French couple married more than half a century, enjoy some fabulous (and buttery) French cuisine -

Europe – Rome & London

Let’s wrap up our world tour with some Gladiator school in Rome –

a mini tour of Rome neighborhoods -

a look around London -

and finally, the food!

While in Rome…eat as the Romans do:

While in London, authentic fish and chips are a must:

Winnipeg, Canada

According to Fawn, those living in Winnipeg will be the first to tell you there’s not a whole lot to do there other than The Forks.  But what they do have and are so proud to share (aside from a beautiful culture and love for family and mastering the art of simplicity): Poutine.  It’s so popular, Canadians even tried to make it their official national food.

These are just a few of the 12 countries Fawn visited during her research for the Happy Wives Club book, there’s so much fun to see and learn about.

After this date night, always remember that it doesn’t take a lot of money to travel the world – just an Internet connection and a little creativity.

Where do you and your spouse want to travel next? Please share in the comments.

We’re SO close to our goal! JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

Happy Wives Club Book


THE NEW YORK TIMES® BEST-SELLING BOOK: It’s been described as, “Like Eat, Pray, Love but not down on marriage.” Make sure to check out the Happy Wives Club book.  I had the great honor of traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, interviewing couples happily married 25 years or more, with 1 mission only: to find out what makes marriages happy…and keeps them that way.  It’s a marriage book like none other.  Guaranteed.

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4 Holiday Date Night Traditions

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

I love the holiday season.  I would probably be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t.

But, I have to admit, sometimes it can be overwhelming. With all we try to cram into each day, it can be easy to lose sight of why we celebrate the holidays in the first place. 

This year, start some new traditions with your sweetie.  Simple holiday traditions can help you feel connected, not only to the holiday but, most importantly, to the one you love most.

Here are some easy and fun ways to add a little tradition to your holiday season and help you and your spouse stay connected.

Holiday Date Night Traditions

Look at Lights
Christmas lights are a holiday tradition dating back to Thomas Edison and became an official holiday tradition in 1895.  Holiday lights are beautiful and fill us with a sense of awe.  Take some time to enjoy the hard work of your neighbors.  Hop in the car with your sweetheart and take a drive around the neighborhood to appreciate the magic a simple strand of lights can bring.

Drink Cocoa by the Tree
If you celebrate the holidays by decorating the tree, you know how much work this can be.  But, once the work is done, do you take the time to appreciate your efforts?  Warm up a cup of cocoa, top it with some mini marshmallows and cuddle by the tree.  Take in the smell, reminisce, and relax.  Don’t let your efforts only be enjoyed on Christmas Day.

Watch a Holiday Movie
Take some time to snuggle on the couch, put your feet up and share a blanket while you watch one of the many holiday classics.  From the funny to the heartfelt, there is an endless array of movies to choose from.  Take some time to unwind together and laugh or cry your way through your favorite holiday film.

Give Back
No matter where you live, you do not have to look far to find someone in need.  The holidays are a time for giving, so what better way to give than to reach out to someone who could use a helping hand?   Take some time to look beyond your own needs and stress and devote some of that attention to someone who could use some kindness.  

Whether it be donating gifts, making a meal, or donating your time, make this a holiday project you and your sweetie do together.  There is tremendous joy to be found in doing something kind for others.

Whatever you decide to do, take some time to enjoy the season together.  Cuddle, take in the sights and smells, listen to music, and start some new traditions.  It only comes by once a year so don’t let this special time fly by without taking a few moments to relax and enjoy it together.  

Happy Holidays.

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4 Fun Summer Date Nights

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

There is something about the summer sun that makes me feel at home and happy. 

On the first day of summer I welcome in with a happy heart the heat, the bbqs, the swimming, the vacation time.

But, what I look forward to most is spending the warm summer evenings hanging out with my husband. There is little else that brings my heart so much joy.

Summer is a time when you can forget the traditional date night of heading to a restaurant.

It is the time when you can get creative, head outdoors and enjoy the lingering summer sun with the one you love.

Here are some ideas for fun summer dates to spend with your sweetie.

Go To A Drive In
A drive in movie is, without a doubt nostalgic and romantic. And, there is something undeniably tender about snuggling next to your sweetie under the summer night sky and sharing a box of Milk Duds.

Revisit your youth and pack up the car with chairs, blankets, pillows and sweets and take your spouse to a good old fashioned drive in theater.

Do an online search to find a drive in near you.  No drive in theaters around?  Check event listings in your area.  Many cities offer movies in the park for a similar experience.

Dance at an Outdoor Concert
There is nothing quite like an outdoor concert.  But, going to a big expensive concert isn’t necessary in order to take your sweetie on this fun date.  Many towns offer concerts in the park with local bands.

Pack up some fold up chairs and buy some take out and sit back and enjoy the local culture.  Hear a song you like?  Ask your spouse to dance.  Summer air, good food, music and your sweetie? Now those are the ingredients of a great date!

Go For a Drive
For as long as I have known my husband he has loved to put together a summer playlist of music. Back in the day that meant making a mixed cassette tape.  Now it is as simple as dragging and dropping our favorite songs in ITunes.

For a great summer date, make a playlist that your spouse would like and hit the open road.  Go for a drive with the windows down, the music on and sing out loud together.   See where the road and the music takes you.

Watch a Meteor Shower
One of my favorite date memories is when Husband and I drove up to the mountains and laid in the bed of the truck watching a meteor shower.  Talk about romantic.

This summer, head out past the city lights between August 10th and August 13th to catch the Perseid Meteor Shower.  Grab some blankets, pillows, wine and dessert and have a romantic night among the stars.

Whatever it is that you do for date night, get out and enjoy the summer air.  The freedom and hope that summer brings comes and goes so quickly.  Don’t let it fly by without taking some time to enjoy it with the one you love most.

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Listening Night

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

You know the old saying “opposites attract”? In many ways, that was true for my husband and I. While we certainly have our similarities, there are many ways in which we are opposite. 

My husband, for example is and extrovert and kind of a genius. He taught himself to read Greek in less than a year, and his idea of a relaxing afternoon is studying his tremendously thick C++ computer programming book.

I’m an introvert that would rather spend my time working on my blog, writing books or reading a young adult novel. And for the record, I can’t understand computer programming to save my own life. 

Needless to say, sometimes each of us are more than a little bit bored by the other’s interests.

My husband can drone on for hours about the intricacies of his latest computer program that he’s designing. Not a topic I’m particularly interested in, but then we also have the times when I’m babbling non-stop about blog stats or social media algorithms and he’s as lost in that conversation as I am when he discusses Greek with me!

That’s why listening night, is important to us. And no, we don’t call it that, it’s nothing official, it’s just taking the time, to really, truly listen.

Usually when my husband jabbers on about something I don’t understand I give a half-hearted “mmmhmmm” and move on to something else. It’s okay, because he gives me a tired “that’s great honey” when I talk about my blog and after a bit he tends to change the topic too. We both understand, because these aren’t our shared passions, and they don’t have to be. 

But sometimes, it’s still good to take the time to truly listen. To ask questions and do your best to comprehend the other’s interests. Even when they are completely beyond your realm of understanding, like my husband’s are to me.

When I do this it’s my way of saying “I love you” to him in that moment, as I try to understand whatever has his smart brain intrigued for today. I hear the “love you” back from him as he grins and cheers with me when I break a blogging milestone or tell him about a novel that had me in tears. 

Listening night doesn’t have to be something official, (although it can be). It’s just the simple decision to put aside phones, and switch off the tv, to look each other in the eye and truly try to understand what your spouse is fascinated with, even when it doesn’t also fascinate you. 

Comment Below:  When was the last time you and your hubby had a listening night? Do you have opposite hobbies like we do, or are all of your interests similar? 

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Board Games – They’re Not Boring Anymore

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

A blanket stretched across the floor welcomes you to a new dating adventure.

The fire sizzles, bringing waves of warmth into the living room. Candles provide accent lighting. The essence of vanilla lingers in the air while soft instrumental music plays in the background.

Now add Monopoly.


You venture to a local park. The sun wraps around you with its warmth and light. You notice the children playing, walk hand-in-hand, and stroll past people walking their dogs. You find a picnic table, sit down and pull out Mancala.

Is your imagination sparked?

If you found yourself bored with board games in the past, take a chance and try again.  The only limits to how much fun they can be come from you. 

Though some couples love video games, it’s time to get away from the mesmerizing screen and just enjoy each other.

You can spread out on your bed to watch a well-known movie and play a board game.

You could take one with you to the mall. Then, play while you comment on the people who meander past you. You can even take one with you as you sit and munch on your favorite fast food.

If you find yourself stuck on which ones to choose, make a date and go to the toy store. Maybe you prefer a classic like chess, or you may pick a more recent game. Stroll down the aisles to notice what catches your eye.

You may discover that each of you is interested in different types of games.  Feel free to choose two. Have a date with his game of choice, then another with yours. Or, set your own path. Decide that you must both agree. You become the sales person attempting to make your spouse interested in the game of your choice.

My husband and I used to travel with a mini scrabble game and play while we waited for our flight to arrive or depart. In my younger years, I despised Scrabble. Tim made it immensely more fun. In the early days, he even let me cheat until I improved and beat him by hundreds of points.

Play Uno or Scrabble or Checkers. Be indoors, outdoors, or grab a travel version and play at an airport or train station. You’ll compete and talk and laugh. Win, lose, or draw, as long as you enjoy each other, it will be anything but boring.   

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Progressive Dinner for Two!

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

Today I mentioned on Facebook that I was looking for some fun and creative date night ideas. To my surprise one of the BEST date night ideas that I’ve ever heard of emerged.

Tricia Callahan, my friend and an awesome blogger over at, gave me permission to share her fabulous date night idea with you.

Have you ever heard of a progressive dinner? It’s a fun dinner that you usually have with friends or neighbors. The way a traditional progressive dinner works is that you have a 3 course meal that is spread out over the course of the night.

The catch is, with a progressive party, you don’t eat the meal all in one place. Each course is served at someone else’s home. For instance, you would have the appetizers at house “A”.  Next you’d move down the street to your neighbors home for the main course, which of course will take a couple of hours there. Finally, you go to the last home for dessert.

Well the traditional progressive party has lots of families or couples involved. Tricia’s idea just involves two people, you and your man.

So how does it work?

How to Have a Progressive Dinner for Two Date Night:

  • Make a list of some of your favorite (or new) restaurants. You’ll need a list of 9 places in the same general area of town. One set of 3 that have great appetizers, another set that has yummy dinners, and the final 3 that have amazing sweet treats. You will let your hubby choose from the list which places you’ll go to (or take turns picking).
  • Get in you car, and while you are on the way to the appetizer location call in your order for take out! Hop out, go get it, and bring it back to your vehicle.  Use your phone wifi to connect your iPad, computer, or phone and watch your favorite Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon movie or series from the comfort (and privacy) of your own ride.
  • When you are finishing up your appetizer, pick the dinner location from the list, call in your order, pick it up, eat, and have fun watching your next series episode.  Then repeat again with the dessert location of your choice.

Variations to the night that I thought of, and weren’t in Tricia’s plan, include having a different activity at each location instead of watching a show. For instance, while you are eating appetizers have a phone game contest, like see who can get the high score on Flappy Birds, or whatever phone craze game is out now.  At your dinner location play a 21 questions game, see if you can find out something new about your spouse that you didn’t already know. During dessert you can have on hand your favorite board or card game to play in your vehicle. 

Remember you are in your car and you can go anywhere you like. So, a fun idea could be taking your dessert to the beach, or a mountainside to watch the sunset. 

The possibilities are endless. Make the night light, creative, delicious, and fun!

Comment Below: What’s will you do on your progressive dinner for two?

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The Date Night Dilemma

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Do you wrestle with the date night dilemma?

Because sometimes, for one reason or another, the traditional “date night” out at a restaurant, or to see a movie, is just not possible. 

Maybe you don’t have it in the budget, or you are choosing to save your money for something else.

Perhaps your children are keeping you from being able to go out as often as you once did.

Maybe you or your spouse are one of the people that don’t like the phrase “date night” being used, after marriage. All of these things are perfectly fine, and normal! 

I will let you in on a little secret today; It doesn’t matter what you are doing, it matters who you are doing it with. 

What is most important is not the title that you put on your evening or the extravagant restaurants that you visit. What matters is that you and your spouse regularly take time to deepen and grow your relationship. 

That could mean dinner and a movie out on the town, or it could be the way you talk and laugh as you cook dinner together each night. 

Maybe for you, it’s sitting playing board games together or lying in bed talking for awhile before you drift off to sleep. 

It doesn’t always have to be scheduled, and babysitters are not always required. All that’s really needed is the two of you spending time connecting, however that works in your marriage. 

So don’t feel guilty if you can’t squeeze in that romantic candle lit dinner for 2 at your favorite restaurant. Instead, spend time connecting with your spouse in all the little (and big) chances that you do get throughout your time at home, and watch your relationship blossom. who you are doing it with

Do not let the logistics of date night become a point of contention in your marriage. Do what works for the two of you, and call it what you will. 



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Do You Really Need a Date Night?

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

I recently attended a marriage conference. A woman with grown children talked about how important it is to have a date night, and I nodded my head in agreement.

But then she went on. “It needs to be something good. You need to get out of the house, and going to Walmart together doesn’t count.”

When someone mentioned date night at home, she emphatically shook her head. 

I could feel the spirit of defeat in the room. 

So, I just want to say, You do not need a “date night.” At least, not in the traditional sense.

Having a date night isn’t about an expensive dinner at a fancy restaurant. Don’t get me wrong, that’s fun sometimes. But for some of us, it just isn’t possible.  We have no money and/or no babysitter.

If you’re in that season of life where a traditional weekly date night just isn’t possible, take heart! It’s not about the date, it’s about the time spent together.

You don’t need a fancy restaurant. You do need quality time together with your spouse. Here are a few ways that my husband and I connect.

Read the Bible Together. Each night after our boys are tucked in bed, my husband and I read a chapter from our Bible and pray together.  Spending time in the word is an excellent way to connect with God and each other, and it also gives us a perfect opportunity to talk about what God is doing in our lives, what He is showing us and where He is leading us.

Talk. This is so simple, yet so important. Make time to spend with your husband, just talking–about something other than disciplining the children and paying bills! In my book, Intentional Marriage, I include a list of 101 conversation questions that you can use to have some fun conversations with your spouse.

Watch a favorite TV show or movie together. Pop some popcorn and snuggle up on the couch. If you’re watching a tv show, mute the commercials and spend that time chatting.

Go to bed at the same time. This has always been important to me. Sometimes, the busyness of the day makes it hard to find time to spend together.  Going to bed at the same time is an excellent way to be sure that you have time to connect as a couple.

Do chores together. Now, this might seem like the opposite of spending quality time together, and it can be. Chores can be a drudgery. And if I go into it focusing on that, I might just have a bad attitude. But if I go into it purposing that I’m going to enjoy spending time with my husband, no matter what we’re doing, my entire outlook changes.

In addition to these daily things, there are plenty of “dates” you can have with your husband right at home and on a low budget. Check out the date night section right here at Happy Wives Club.

I also have a free printable with over 50 date night idea cards. Most of these ideas are free and many can be done at home!  

Intentional Marriage Date Cards

What is your favorite way to connect with your husband?

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3 Tips for Playing On His Turf During Super Bowl Sunday!

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

It’s that time again. Super Bowl Sunday is upon us and husbands everywhere are preparing for the big day!

I am very proud to say that this Happy Wife is preparing for the big game as well. No, I’m not planning the menu nor shopping list for a big Super Bowl party.

I have taken an online crash course in football and am planning to seduce my husband with my newly acquired football prowess. ;)

My husband will be one of the 100 million plus viewers tuned in to watch the grid iron gladiators go at it. This year as he sits down to enjoy the game, he will be in for a huge surprise!

Instead of focusing on the commercials, food or falling asleep as I usually do while watching football, this year he’s going to be knocked off his recliner when he discovers my attempt to learn more about something he enjoys. The course for women from Sports Basix was far worth the investment as I’m sure it will pay off great dividends in our relationship.

3 Tips on Learning More About His Interests

Broaden Your Horizons, Deepen Your Appreciation

Must I share all of my husbands interests? Absolutely not. Does it help to learn more about my husband’s interests. Absolutely! It gives me a deeper appreciation of who he is and gives us new things to talk about and explore together. When I discover why my husband enjoys an activity, I discover new things about my husband.

Show Your Spouse You Can Take One for the Team

My husband is not interested in fashion at all, but he researched fashion guru, Tim Gunn and even went so far as to try and setup a lunch with him for me. I was floored that he would take the time to learn more about someone just because I enjoyed them.

I was not a hiker before we married. Handsome hubby let me know that hiking was one of his loves. I strapped on my hiking boots on our honeymoon and now look forward to family hikes.  Take the time to show your man you want to enjoy his favorite things with him too.

Give Him Space and Show Respect

If you just can’t get into what he’s into – that’s okay.  Even though my handsome hubby went through great lengths to try to contact Tim Gunn, he has not watched more than one episode of Project Runway with me. You know what, that’s okay too.

He does respect my weekly Project Runway time and he gives me the space to enjoy it. Every once in a while he asks, how was your show?

I may not be by his side for every game but at least I was willing to become a student of the game in order to be a better student of my husband. I may not become an avid fan of the NFL or college football or any sport for that matter, but my handsome hubby knows that I am his number one fan and I am willing to play on his turf.

Question:  What have you learned to do to play on your hubby’s turf?

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Blast the Music – a Practical Fun Date Night

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

I really hope I am not the only one that feels a little overwhelmed by all the Christmas decorations needing to be put away, or the presents still needing to be organized now that all the holidays are over!

I did not think so. :)

Sometimes I think we as couples get into a routine, I know we do around here.  It can also get a little stale with all the mundane things.

We do not have kids to keep us busy, so unless you count the MANY times of getting on our dogs – reminding them they are not 10lbs but close to 70… then its pretty calm and um… boring? 

OK, I said it. We can be boring!

This may not be an Einstein-like idea but come on… stay with me.

I was brainstorming on how to do things differently around here when the mundane things get … well mundane. (giggle)

So I’m going to share what we do around here.

I’ll be willing to guess that putting away your decorations, presents, or even cleaning the house is not what you want to do for date night, right?

Moving the furniture back to its pre-Christmas locations or rearranging things for the New Year is not romantic either.. I know this.

So why not make it be?

Hear me out. This is how we do it here…

1. Get a game plan – this can be just you and the hubby or you can get the kids involved. Decide what room to tackle, or maybe you split up? Kids do their room and the parents do one… whatever the case may be, HAVE A PLAN.

2. Make it FUN – I’m not even in the same category as June Cleaver, so I know cleaning and organizing isn’t glamorous nor could I tackle it in heels. But when the hubs and I crank some 80′s music and start dancing around, now THAT is fun!

3. Have a reward for a job well done: Shower together and go ahead and give a massage while you’re there. Then go OUT for dinner (don’t dirty the clean kitchen), whatever suits you!

So you see, it is not all that bad right? Come on… Can’t you see yourself dancing to Dead or Alive’s “You spin me round”?

You know you want to Youtube it now.. go ahead! It is one of my favorites!

Now it’s your turn, go ahead, Blast the Music!

Come visit me over at Aunt LaLa!

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The BEST 2 Player Games for Date Night!

Sunday, January 5th, 2014

Since my husband and I have young children, the majority of our date nights are spent at home.

We do try to go out on a date once a month, but we still make an effort to spend time together at least once a week, interacting with one another, without distractions (such as TV or internet).

While we try to spend quality time together more than once a week, we are sticklers about getting at least 1 night in a week, regardless of our busy schedules. 

Game night is one of our absolute favorites for weekly fun. It’s been a challenge to find games that translate well to 2-player versions.

Several games that I enjoyed growing up, just don’t work with only 2 people. We’ve finally gotten a good collection of really awesome board games that work with 2 players. 

Here are a few of our favorites, so you can start working on your own collection of games for date night!

Best 2 Player Games for Date Night

Dominion – This will always be one of my favorite games! It can be played with up to four players, but works really well with just two! It’s a card game, we’ve played it for several years now and still love it! There are many expansions for the game (intrigue, seaside, hinterlands etc.) and they all add so much to the game! We’ve purchased each expansion as it came out and I have trouble choosing a favorite! 

Fluxx - This is a game that must be played with a good sense of humor. The rules are constantly changing, along with the goal of the game! It’s another card game that certainly will keep you laughing and keep you on your toes! We recently bought the “martian fluxx” variant and definitely prefer that version to the original. 

Glory to Rome - This is one of the more complicated card games, I’m still trying to wrap my head around playing it well, but it’s definitely fun! You each build your own buildings and try to come out on top! There are multiple ways to score points in this game, so it’s a challenge to choose which strategy to go with. It also makes the game fun though, because you never have to play it the same way twice!

Race for the Galaxy - This has always been one of my husband’s favorite games, but I’ll be honest, it took me awhile to get on board. I love the game now, but there’s definitely a steep learning curve to it, and it may take awhile before you really feel like you can play it well. 

Carcassone - This was one of the first games we purchased together (about 4 years ago) and we’re still getting lots of enjoyment out of it! Carcassone is a tile-laying game, and it allows you to build cities, roads, farms and cloisters and connect them to one another to gain points. Very fun game, and it’s always neat to see all the scenery that you’ve built together at the end of the game!

Famiglia - Another card game, this time the cards represent different “mobster” families. Each color card allows you to do a different action, and thereby gain better cards into your “family”. It’s simple to learn, but there’s a surprising amount of strategy involved!

Pandemic - This game is unique because, instead of playing against one another, you are on a team against the game! It’s shockingly difficult and a lot of fun to get to work together in a game instead of having to compete. There’s also nothing quite like trying to save the world from multiple viruses! You really feel like you’ve accomplished something awesome together when you win this game!

Tigris & Euphrates - This game is truly one of our favorites. It has a longer play-time than most, but it’s definitely worth the time! You play on one board and build your own little kingdoms by laying tiles of various colors. You are then able to join kingdoms or invade one another, and gain points. It’s a very interesting game, especially since you don’t know how many points the other player has earned until the end of the game! 

Suburbia - This is one of our newer games. It’s also a tile laying game, but instead of building farms or roads you create buildings for your city. The strategy is in which tiles you put where, as well as which tiles you choose to build. We only purchased this one a few weeks ago but it’s already a favorite! 

Agricola - Remember that popular Farming game on Facebook awhile back? This is a game that is very similar, but with lots more strategy! You are a farmer, and you must build your hut, farm your land, raise cattle and feed your family! It’s a very interesting game and quite the challenge!

Zertz, Yinsh & Dvonn - These games are more abstract than the others I’ve listed. Instead of having a theme or story to them, they are pure strategy (like chess or checkers, but more fun). These games can be bought separately and played as a single game, or can be combined with a couple other games in the series to form a huge tournament. We currently own two in the series and are working our way up to have the whole collection. They are quicker games and deceptively difficult! 

I’ve created a list on amazon with all of the games, so you can find them easily, instead of needing to do multiple searches. This is an affiliate link to my 2 player games list on Amazon. 

These are our absolute favorite 2 player games! Have you ever heard of any of them?

We’d love to hear about your favorites!!!  


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Christmas Date Night

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

Christmas is such a busy time of year, it’s easy to let your marriage take a backseat to all the festivities and events that are taking place in December.

Even if you don’t have time (or funds) for a fancy dinner and movie, you can still take time to relax and connect with your spouse in a fun way. 

Here’s one Christmas date night that won’t break the bank and can even be the start of a new yearly tradition!

All you need is:

  • Your car (unless you are willing to walk in the cold!)
  • Mugs of Hot Chocolate 
  • A Notebook
  • Each other!

Whip up some hot chocolate and go for a drive (or walk) together.  Find the fanciest neighborhoods in your town and look at the beautiful light displays that they have in their yards.

Try to find the most extravagant decorations and come up with awards for the houses based on their decorating charm, or beauty, or even cheesiness!

“Most Traditional” or “Master of the Inflatable Machine” etc. Be sure to take notes on which houses are receiving what title so you don’t duplicate an award.

Have fun getting creative with the titles!!!

If you want to add a bit of competitive fun, you could try seeing who can spot the most Santas or snowmen, or even make it a “double date” with another couple, competing to see which husband & wife team can find the most exciting lights throughout the night. 

This is sure to be a fun date night that you will not soon forget!


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Free Date Idea: Take a Fantasy Tour Around the Globe

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

Happy anniversary!  Can you believe it’s been a full year since the Happy Wives Club book was released on January 7, 2014.  Where did the time go?

Since it is, technically, it’s birthday or anniversary, or whatever celebratory thing you want to call it, how about we create a brand new -and scrumptiously unique- date idea?

Free date ideas are the best kind in my book. With at least 52 potential weekly date nights in a year, you can never have too many ideas to choose from. And if your hubby is like mine and loves variety, it’s a great idea to have a few plans in your back pocket and ready to go.

Today we are combining food, travel, TV, *and* using a little inspiration from the Happy Wives Club book– what’s not to love?

One of my favorite parts of the Happy Wives Club book was feeling like I was seeing, smelling and tasting all the places Fawn went to interview happy couples and learn their secrets to happy marriages.

When I was thinking about a FUN and FREE date night idea, I remembered how much fun The Hubs and I have watching House Hunters International and fantasizing about whether or not we would ever live anywhere but home.

Soooo I thought it would be even more fun to go on a fantasy vacation, inspired by the fabulous locales in the Happy Wives Club Book and approved by the hubby!

What you will need:

1. Laptop or Tablet – to cue up the Travel Channel’s website.

I suggest taking all the links below and opening them in new tabs, that way they are cued up and ready to go so you have the mechanics out of the way and can snuggle and discuss as you go along the tour.

2. Some yummy food – check out great snack ideas inspired by the book (see links to fabulous recipes at the end of every country I’ve listed below.)

3. A little conversation – one of my favorite things to do with the hubby is PAUSE THE TV and DISCUSS. Would we want to go there? What do we want to see? Is it a “must-go-before-we-die-place?” or a “would-be-nice-but-eh-place?”

Ready for the World Tour? (You don’t even need a passport! Score.)

Cape Town, South Africa

This one is on my own bucket list. I loved this video because I must admit, I was curious to see the South African version of McDonald’s. It does not disappoint.

The recipes from this fabulous part of the world:

And who could forget about the red cappuccino’s Fawn raved about, and are only served as espresso’s in South Africa? Well, this may not be identical but I think we found a way to enjoy the taste without needing to take the flight: 

Perth, Australia

When I was a kid Olivia Newton John was one of my idols (thank you, Grease! And yes, it’s still the word.) So Australia has been magical and beautiful since I was 13. When Oprah went during her final season, I fell in love with it all over again.

When I was looking for the most viewed videos on Australia it turned out to be a review of their Superman roller coaster.

That reminded me of one of the things I just love about travel – the way you can plan a thousand details and yet a place will surprise you and the last thing you thought you would ever do there turns out to be your favorite part.

So, here is the link to Superman Down Under -

And a little dive into the Great Barrier Reef –

And a little 5 Star Spa Day to relax after all that exploring!

And we can’t forget some great local recipes from down under (or what the locals call “Oz”) - 


Since we are half way around the world already, let’s just hop over to Mauritius for some “Street Eats” and snacks.

Don’t forget to try out some of the fabulous Creole food from Mauritius -

Or you can do what Fawn did when dining with a French couple married more than half a century, enjoy some fabulous (and buttery) French cuisine -

Europe – Rome & London

Let’s wrap up our world tour with some Gladiator school in Rome –

a mini tour of Rome neighborhoods -

a look around London -

and finally, the food!

While in Rome…eat as the Romans do:

While in London, authentic fish and chips are a must:

Winnipeg, Canada

According to Fawn, those living in Winnipeg will be the first to tell you there’s not a whole lot to do there other than The Forks.  But what they do have and are so proud to share (aside from a beautiful culture and love for family and mastering the art of simplicity): Poutine.  It’s so popular, Canadians even tried to make it their official national food.

These are just a few of the 12 countries Fawn visited during her research for the Happy Wives Club book, there’s so much fun to see and learn about.

After this date night, always remember that it doesn’t take a lot of money to travel the world – just an Internet connection and a little creativity.

Where do you and your spouse want to travel next? Please share in the comments.

We’re SO close to our goal! JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

Happy Wives Club Book


THE NEW YORK TIMES® BEST-SELLING BOOK: It’s been described as, “Like Eat, Pray, Love but not down on marriage.” Make sure to check out the Happy Wives Club book.  I had the great honor of traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, interviewing couples happily married 25 years or more, with 1 mission only: to find out what makes marriages happy…and keeps them that way.  It’s a marriage book like none other.  Guaranteed.

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Free Date Idea: Take a Fantasy Tour Around the Globe

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