Tag Archives: Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth Day: Going green and getting lean!

Earth Day is a time where we get together at various events to show our support for environmental issues, trying to make the world a better place. We have one planet to live on and it is our duty to protect it. 

You may not be an environmentalist, or someone who geeks out over going green.  Don’t drive a hybrid? No worries you can still do you part. Below you’ll find 3 green ways to do your part on Earth Day and beyond. Because really, Earth Day is really every day isn’t it? We must do our part to save our planet.  Not only will you be going green, you’ll thank me because you’ll be getting lean!

Go Green

One way to help our environment is to go green. I don’t mean recycling paper and cans, though you should do that too.  I’m talking about eating more greens, fruit, and vegetables.  Did you know that by eating a vegetarian diet you could extremely decrease your carbon footprint? By eating a vegan diet, eliminating dairy as well (milk, cheese, butter, etc…) you can decrease it even more!  Want to do even more? Eating raw foods will help save energy that your oven, stove, or microwave would have spent.  Plus your body will thank you for it!

Here’s a little green fact for you- 70% of the deforestation of the Amazon is to provide land for cattle ranches.

Come Back Home

If you have a busy lifestyle like mine, it is so easy to eat out. In fact, one survey noted that Americans eat out about 5 times a week.  I find that quite surprising, but when I think back to the days when I used to eat out a lot, I did eat a few lunches here, a breakfast there, and maybe a dinner out too. So that would equal 5 times a week.  Now that I desire to live a healthier lifestyle, I cook 90% of my meals at home.  By eating at home you can chose organic local foods, and you can help the environment by not driving all over town.  You can also use your scraps to compost! Leftovers can be used to make another meal. Best of all you can greatly improve your health and shrink your waistline at the same time. Reducing your carbon footprint while fighting fat at the same time! 

Stick Around

Shopping locally not only saves time, but also helps the world.  Farmers markets and food co-ops get their food locally.  Your food doesn’t have to travel half way around the world to get to you.  It also doesn’t have to come from across the country if you shop for local and seasonal items. 

Try to make just one shopping trip a week by planning your meals ahead. This also helps you to plan to eat healthy balanced meals.  If you are missing an item for your bran muffins, go meet your neighbor and ask them for that teaspoon of baking soda.  Don’t drive two blocks to the store for one item.  Borrow it, or walk or ride your bike.

Just Move It

One of the biggest blessings in disguise for our family was when our car broke down and we had only one car. My children and I rode our bikes to the store, library, park, even to piano lessons.  If possible reduce your transportation footprint by using your body, skates, scooter, or bike to ride around town. 

What things are YOU doing to protect our world?

Have a Fit day!

Annett Davis @FitWithAnnett

Olympian, Body Transformation Coach