Author Archives: Annett Davis

About Annett Davis

Annett Davis is an Olympian in Beach Volleyball. She loves great food and helping people get healthy over at Her favorite topics are marriage and anything fitness related. Being married to her soul mate, Life Coach and author Byron Davis for 16 wonderful years, Annett loves being a homeschooling mom of 2. She blogs over at, and inspires kids to grandmas to get in shape for life in her private accountability groups.

DIY Vitamin Water

How to Juice Up Your Water- DIY Vitamin Water

Water is one of the best things you can include in your diet daily.  It’s refreshing, and calorie free. The worst thing about water is after awhile it gets boring. I’m here to help your water go from blah, to ahhhh.

What’s a girl to do?? Juice up your water and make your own refreshing tasty vitamin water.

Before I tell you how I juice up my water by making it delicious, and even more nutritious, let me tell you about some of the wonderful benefits of water. 

1.  Weight Loss

Drinking water doesn’t make you lose weight. But, when you swap out your sugary drinks and replace them with water you can lose weight. Here’s how.  A typical soda has about 140 or more calories in it, not to mention other junk your body doesn’t need, like sugar.  By cutting out just one soda or sugary drink a day you can save yourself almost 1000 calories a week! If you drink two less sugary drinks a day, you can save yourself almost 2000 calories a week! In a year you could lose at least 15lbs by just stopping your soda or juice habit and substituting it with water daily!

2.  Basic Functioning

Your body has about 60% of water in it.  It is a vital part of your existence. We need water for several reasons.  Water protects our internal organs, flushes waste from our vital organs, lubricates our joints, and regulates our body temperature among other things.  We can live weeks without food, but you can only live about 3-5 days without water. (Don’t test this.)

Most people think about replenishing water after a tough workout, but we lose water all day long.  Our water supply decreases through many ways, including sweat, urine, and even breathing.  When you feel thirsty you are already on the road to dehydration. You would have already lost 2-3% of your body’s water when you feel thirsty.  You may think you are as sharp as a tack, but your physical coordination as well as your mental performance becomes impaired before your thirst kicks in.

How Much Water Should I Drink?

We’ve all heard that we should drink 8 glasses of water a day.  I don’t disagree with that statement, but I believe that should be your starting point.  Check out my post that tells you how much water you should be drinking daily, and how to calculate the amount of water YOU really need. There are many factors to determine this so make sure you find out the right amount for you.

Juice Up Your Water! Homemade DIY Vitamin Water.

No one needs to suffer through drinking eight or more glasses of water a day.  You can have delicious water that makes you want to drink more!  You can even make your own electrolyte water and get rid of your sugary sports drinks. Below you’ll find some of my favorite drinks that not only will hydrate you, but will add some extra nutrients as well, naturally, without any sugar added.

You can use a regular pitcher like I do, or a cool filtered infuser one.  I have also seen individual infuser cups that you can take on the go.  Just add different types of fruit, veggies, or herbs to your water and voila, no more boring water.

Great Tips

  • Use filtered water.  You know, less toxins.
  • Cut your fruit into thin slices or chunks. Use as much or as little as you like. Flavor will vary based on how much you add.
  • Once you drink it all, you may refill (if your ingredients are not spoiled).
  • Mix and match. I will give you some of my favorite combinations, but create your own concoctions and share your favorites here!
  • Typically I leave my water in the fridge overnight.  If you are in a rush a shorter time will do.
  • Drink water daily, and smile, you are getting extra nutrients this way!

Annett’s Favorite DIY “Vitamin Water” Blends

Orange, Lemon, Lime

Watermelon and Basil (or rosemary)

Strawberry and Lemon

Strawberry and Mint

Cucumber and Basil (add lemon to mix it up)

Raspberries and Mint

Blackberry and Sage

What are your favorite fruit, veggie or herb water combinations? Tell us below.

Is an Alkaline Diet for Me?

Is an Alkaline Diet For Me?

Why do I want to be Alkaline?

When measuring something for its acidity or alkalinity you check its pH level.  Different parts of your body function at different pH levels.  Generally speaking you want your body to be at a neutral, or alkaline state.  It is thought that you can alter your body’s blood pH level by the foods you eat.

Your body is balanced when its pH level is between 7.35 and 7.45.  When it’s not between this narrow window your body is more stressed, and it must work hard to bring it back into balance.  The more acidic our bodies are the harder it must work, and the more your body is at risk.  Your body is weakened and more susceptible to disease when your body is highly acidic. 

How to Get Balanced?

Eating a diet high in fresh vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts is the best way to help restore balance to your body.  A typical Western diet, is chock full of bad protein, dairy, and highly processed foods that make our bodies more acidic.  Our disease rates are extremely high because we tend to eat tons of processed and refined foods.  When we do this our bodies become weak and become breeding grounds for disease. 

There are certain foods that are considered acid forming foods that are okay to consume if you stick to the healthier options. Foods such as legumes, beans and whole grains would fall into this category.  If you eliminated most processed (packaged) foods you will be heading in the right direction. Also, because organic foods lack the chemicals from pesticides that are acid forming, it’s best to stick with organic foods as much as possible. 

Reports are inconclusive on whether or not an alkaline diet really works.  A report in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health in 2012 had mixed conclusions. Most agree that eating a diet full of veggies, fruit, and plants, cutting out processed junk and sugar should help you live a longer and healthier life. 

What’s A Girl To Eat?

Here’s where it can be confusing.  As you know lemons and apple cider vinegar are acidic, but your body metabolizes it as alkaline which means it helps to balance the body.  Other things like cranberries, which I love in my salad, and garbonzo beans are listed as acid forming.  But, it doesn’t mean you can’t ever eat acidic foods. Some people say eat a 80/20 alkaline to acid ratio, and others say eat a 60/40 ratio. 

There are many pros to eating an alkaline diet.  You can’t go wrong adding more alkaline foods such as kale, coconut oil, almonds, broccoli, asparagus, beets, avocado, blueberries, grapefruit, lentils, pumpkin seeds, and green tea to your diet.  There are many more alkaline forming foods you can add to your diet. Check out my food chart over at to see other foods that can help you become less acidic and more alkaline. 

Sexercise: Rev Up Your Metabolism While Boosting Your Sex Life!

Sexercise: Rev Up Your Metabolism While Boosting Your Sex Life!

Sexercise: Rev Up Your Metabolism While Boosting Your Sex Life!

Happy wife, Olympian, fitness coach and home-schooling momma of two, Annett Davis, usually hangs out in our Health & Fitness section.  But today, she’s sharing her fabulous tips on the big screen.  Enjoy :) .  

Until Monday…make it a great weekend!

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You want to live a happy, healthy, and long life don’t you?  I know I do. If you want those things then have more sex.  You and your husband will thank me for it.

Here’s why I say this.  For a lot of women sex may not be on your list of how you’d like to spend your night. Especially, after you’ve spent all day with kids hanging off your arms, or working 9-5.  Sleep is what’s on your mind. I know.  I’ve been there.   Of course we are doing a great thing when we have sex with our hubbies -tightening the bonds of our marriage, being one (yada yada).  

Besides all of those great things, sex really does a body good!

Just think, sex can keep you fit, and it can help you shed the extra weight.  The older you get the slower your metabolism runs.  By the time you are 35 years old your body burns 100 less calories per day than your 25 year old counterpart.  Having sex is similar to a High Intensity Interval Workout (HIIT).  You may have seen an infomercial for a workout called Insanity. These folks go HARD.  It’s an interval workout where you exercise at an intense level for a certain amount of time, followed up by a less intense period, then back to intense again.  Well, what does that sound like to you?  Sex!!!  My husband and I call it Sexercise.

 Studies show that interval training for just 15 minutes a few times a week can produce better results than someone running an hour on a treadmill. This type of workout burns more fat than jogging. Not only that, it helps speed up your metabolism! The best part is that you only need your hubby, and no gym membership or extra equipment is required.  

How many calories can you burn having sex?  You can burn at least 80-300 calories depending on how long and intense your time is with you man.   A well timed quickie can help get rid of those love handles (…if you know what I mean).

In addition, sex helps you relieve stress, and studies show it has helped relieve depression.  It also boosts the immune system, helping you avoid nasty colds and other sickness.  Sex can improve your PMS symptoms (hallelujah), arthritis pain, and headaches.  Once your husband finds out about that last one you may need to lose the “Honey I have a headache” line you’ve been using.  

Being too tired for sex is probably the number one excuse (besides having a headache) that a woman gives when she doesn’t want to have sex.  You may want to stop using that one too. Research shows that oxytocin which is released when you have an orgasm helps you to sleep better.  Sleep not only helps you prepare for the next day, it also helps you get to a healthy weight. 

So next time you think of telling your honey “not tonight” just think of all the benefits of sex you’ll be missing out on.  You can sleep better, get fit, and increase your metabolism in just 20 minutes of sexercise. (wink)


JOIN THE 1,000,000 MEMBER CHALLENGE: If you haven’t already done it, what are you waiting for? Join the club! It takes only a few seconds and, of course, is free.

Lose Weight & Feel Great

Lose Weight & Look Great: The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Over the years apple cider vinegar has been used for many different reasons.  From cleaning a pot, to making pickles, and dying Easter eggs, people have used it faithfully.  Many home remedies have been passed down through the ages from fighting acne, to fighting fat.   It can even help you get swimsuit ready just in time for summer!

Today we’ll look at some of the benefits of apple cider vinegar as it pertains to your health and beauty.

As with most folk remedies, many have not been thoroughly tested.  But, there are a few tests that have been done with apple cider vinegar (or ACV as it’s also called) that give a glimpse of hope that some of the claims made by our ancestors of this product may be true.  We are still in the beginning stages of finding out what apple cider vinegar really can do. (Note: As with all health programs and advice, please consult your doctor before starting anything new.)

Apple Cider Vinegar may help with the following; diabetes, lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, killing or slowing the growth of some cancer cells, and weight loss.

Folk remedies to some common problems:

Post Workout: Feeling fatigued? Apple Cider Vinegar contains potassium and enzymes that may help you get the post workout energy you are looking for.  It has amino acids that can possibly fight the lactic acid build up your workout caused.  Try adding a 1-2 tablespoons of ACV to a full glass of water or even your smoothie. 

Indigestion:  Stir 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of warm water. Drink 30 minutes before you dine on food you will be “indulging” in like a buffet or birthday party dinner.

Sore Throat: When your throat starts to tickle, try ACV to stop it in its track.  A lot of germs can’t thrive or survive in apple cider vinegar.  Mix ¼ cup warm water and ¼ cup of ACV and gargle it every hour.

Beauty Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar:

Skin Toner: ACV helps to balance your skin’s natural pH levels.  The beautiful Scarlet Johansson uses it to wash her face.  For sensitive skin a 1:4 ratio of ACV to water is a good place to start. If you have a pimple, apply full strength with a cotton swap straight onto the pimple. 

Natural Hair Conditioner: That’s right your hair can look shiny and beautiful using apple cider vinegar. Commercial shampoos strip your hair.  Using an ACV rinse can remove buildup, and help with dandruff issues too. I dilute my ACV with water and use a spray bottle to apply. I let it sit on for a couple of minutes and then rinse out. I also use it on my daughter’s hair which is very curly and kinky, it helps to detangle her hair.  It has been a miracle for us. No more tears, for me or my daughter,  when I comb through her hair.

Don’t worry the smell dissipates. You won’t smell like an all you can eat salad bar.  Your body on the inside and outside will thank you for it.

So go on…live your healthiest life!


How to Eat Out on a Diet

How To Eat Out On A Diet

Has this happened to you?  Friends of yours invite you out to dinner and you are on a diet.   Your heart starts beating faster the closer the time comes.   They choose an all you can eat brunch, and now you are sweating bullets.  The options are vast.  Smells overtake you.  You begin to feel like you have absolutely no control.

Eating out can be a scary thing when you are on a diet.  But it doesn’t have to be.  Below are some of my best tips to help you stick to your diet when you go out to eat. 


Whenever you are going out to eat look for the restaurant’s menu online.  Checkout all of the meal options to see if anything they have will fit into your diet plan.  Look for the nutrition stats.  Make sure you note how many calories the meals have. Stay away from meals over 500 calories.   


Many restaurants today have a section in their menu specifically for those who are trying to make healthy choices.  The meals will usually have less calories, less fat, be low carb, or even vegetarian.  Always look in this section first. 


After checking out the menu at home, decide before you enter the restaurant what you will be ordering.  Making a decision ahead of time helps you not to be tempted with family and friends. 


Restaurants want more of your money, and they usually help make us fat. Do yourself a favor and skip the appetizers.  You don’t need the extra 1900 calories in the Bloomin’ Onion, nor the 140 calories each in OG’s breadsticks.  Make your wallet fatter and tummy thinner by skipping the starters.


When at a buffet always fill half your plate with salad.  Choose a light dressing.  The next quarter should be filled with veggies that aren’t smothered in sauce, and possibly a little bit of grains.  Finally, find lean protein options and eat only about 3oz of it if it’s meat.   


Restaurants today serve portions that are 2-4 times larger than you should be eating.  My favorite tip is for you to ask your server for a to-go box as soon as you place your order.  Ask them to bring it out before your food.  Once your food arrives, check out how beautiful it looks.  I know you want to take your Facebook or Instagram picture.  Go ahead and do that, and then place half of your order (sometimes more of it) into your take home box.  Place it on the seat next to you, or ask your server to put it in the back until you are ready to leave. This way you will only eat what is currently on your plate.  You’ll be set up for success so that you will not overeat. 


The great thing about having a husband and friends is that you can always share with them.  For diet success order one dessert and split it with your best mate.  Your waistline will thank you for it.

6 Tips to Getting Swimsuit Ready

6 Tips to Getting Swimsuit Ready

Can you believe it? We just welcomed spring, and summer is knocking on the door.  You know what that means? Those layers you’ve been hiding under are going to have to come off.  Shorts, tank tops, and swimsuits are already flooding the stores.

What’s a girl to do? Embrace the truth, and get to work.

Here are 6 ways to help you get swimsuit ready.

1. Boost your metabolism

There are many ways to boost your metabolism. A quick and easy way is to drink a glass of water with 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in it every morning. It also helps alkalize your body, and works as a natural appetite suppressant. Choose raw unfiltered ACV.

2.  Dump Whites and Processed Foods

Believe me, I like a bag of chips and white pasta as much as the next gal, but if you want to get swimsuit ready, it has got to go.  Anything you are eating that’s made with white flour like bread, pasta, cookies, and crackers – stop eating immediately. Replace these with whole grain and 100% whole wheat foods.  If it has more than a few ingredients on the package, step away.  If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. That’s my rule.  Instead go for tons of veggies, greens, and fruit. Eat cellulite-fighters such as citrus fruits and berries.  Also eating natural diuretics like lemon, green tea, and cucumbers are good choices to help you get rid of bloating.  Eat the foods on the perimeter of the grocery store for best results.

3.  Morning Workout

Did you know that 90% of people who workout consistently do so in the morning? A morning workout can get your metabolism moving for the rest of the day.  If you want to get swimsuit ready you MUST put in the work. I wish it just happened, but it doesn’t.  I have my clients schedule their workouts for success. Make an appointment with yourself and don’t break it. Don’t just do cardio, add strength training to your routine. If you need help or ideas feel free to ask me.

4.  Drink More Water Than You Think

Most of us do not drink enough water. We walk around slightly dehydrated.  A lot of times we think we are hungry, but we are actually thirsty.  Another thing we tend to do is drink our calories.  To get ready for summer make sure you drink at least half of your body weight in water each day.  By cutting out sugary juice, and soda you can lose a few pounds from doing this alone. Check out my secret  to drinking enough water daily.

5.  Buy a Great Swimsuit

It’s healthy to lose 1-2 pounds a week. Summer is coming fast and some of you will not have achieved your goals because your goals may be larger than others.  Don’t fret, if you don’t get all the weight off that you need, the next best thing is to buy a great swimsuit. Make sure it flatters your body in all the right spots.  Highlighting you and your husband’s favorite parts. A cute wrap is also a must. 

6.  Be Confident

Being swimsuit ready has a lot to do with being confident.  If you are feeling self-conscious it will show.  Stand up tall and relax.  You are special, and you are beautifully and wonderfully made.

Have a fit day!


Earth Day

Earth Day: Going green and getting lean!

Earth Day is a time where we get together at various events to show our support for environmental issues, trying to make the world a better place. We have one planet to live on and it is our duty to protect it. 

You may not be an environmentalist, or someone who geeks out over going green.  Don’t drive a hybrid? No worries you can still do you part. Below you’ll find 3 green ways to do your part on Earth Day and beyond. Because really, Earth Day is really every day isn’t it? We must do our part to save our planet.  Not only will you be going green, you’ll thank me because you’ll be getting lean!

Go Green

One way to help our environment is to go green. I don’t mean recycling paper and cans, though you should do that too.  I’m talking about eating more greens, fruit, and vegetables.  Did you know that by eating a vegetarian diet you could extremely decrease your carbon footprint? By eating a vegan diet, eliminating dairy as well (milk, cheese, butter, etc…) you can decrease it even more!  Want to do even more? Eating raw foods will help save energy that your oven, stove, or microwave would have spent.  Plus your body will thank you for it!

Here’s a little green fact for you- 70% of the deforestation of the Amazon is to provide land for cattle ranches.

Come Back Home

If you have a busy lifestyle like mine, it is so easy to eat out. In fact, one survey noted that Americans eat out about 5 times a week.  I find that quite surprising, but when I think back to the days when I used to eat out a lot, I did eat a few lunches here, a breakfast there, and maybe a dinner out too. So that would equal 5 times a week.  Now that I desire to live a healthier lifestyle, I cook 90% of my meals at home.  By eating at home you can chose organic local foods, and you can help the environment by not driving all over town.  You can also use your scraps to compost! Leftovers can be used to make another meal. Best of all you can greatly improve your health and shrink your waistline at the same time. Reducing your carbon footprint while fighting fat at the same time! 

Stick Around

Shopping locally not only saves time, but also helps the world.  Farmers markets and food co-ops get their food locally.  Your food doesn’t have to travel half way around the world to get to you.  It also doesn’t have to come from across the country if you shop for local and seasonal items. 

Try to make just one shopping trip a week by planning your meals ahead. This also helps you to plan to eat healthy balanced meals.  If you are missing an item for your bran muffins, go meet your neighbor and ask them for that teaspoon of baking soda.  Don’t drive two blocks to the store for one item.  Borrow it, or walk or ride your bike.

Just Move It

One of the biggest blessings in disguise for our family was when our car broke down and we had only one car. My children and I rode our bikes to the store, library, park, even to piano lessons.  If possible reduce your transportation footprint by using your body, skates, scooter, or bike to ride around town. 

What things are YOU doing to protect our world?

Have a Fit day!

Annett Davis @FitWithAnnett

Olympian, Body Transformation Coach

Tasty Spring Fruit.jpg

Tasty Spring Fruit Everyone Should Try

Spring is the beginning of the best 6 months of the year in my opinion for amazing fruit.  There are so many wonderful fruits to try that are chock full of nutrients your body craves.  Check out this list of my top 5 spring fruits you’ve gotta add to your plate or shake this season. Time to add some YUM back to your diet.


Who doesn’t love blueberries?  They are sweet, juicy, and tasty! These little berries are packed with goodness.  One cup gives you about 14% of the daily dose of fiber you need.  It’s full of vitamin C, and it’s high in antioxidants. In fact, it’s one of the highest ranked foods in the antioxidant category. You can add them to your shakes, pancakes, cereal, or just grab a handful and throw them in your mouth.  A favorite treat of my family is my banana blueberry bread recipe.


I think it should be called the green goddess. This creamy fruit has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes eye health, helps maintain a healthy heart, and helps regulate blood sugar levels. They are also rich in folate, and vitamins B, C, and K.   Avocados are great in salads, on sandwiches (instead of mayo), and even thrown into smoothies. My favorite is my homemade guacamole


Lemons have many health and beauty uses.  It’s a great natural source of acid, and is high in vitamin C.  Great for digestion, lemons may help fight off ulcers from the antibacterial properties it has helping to balance your body out.  Here’s a Dr. Oz recipe to help you with digestion and constipation. Mix 1 cup of hot water, ¼ cup lemon juice, 1 tsp ground flaxseed together and drink.


One of the easiest things to grow if you are thinking of starting a spring garden, strawberries are one of my favorite things to eat! One serving of eight medium strawberries provides 160 percent of the recommended Daily Value. According to the California Strawberry Commission, a serving of strawberries provides more vitamin C than an orange! I love strawberries on salads, in my shakes, mixed in Greek yogurt, and to make a delicious strawberry lemonade. 


Time for me to be honest with you.  Apricots are not my favorite fruit. But, I felt I couldn’t neglect it  because of my tastes. They are full of beta-carotene which is great for your eyes.  It’s another fruit with a good amount of vitamin A, C, and potassium.  People with anemia find it helpful to eat apricots because of its iron content.  It’s also helpful with constipation due to its fiber. When I do eat apricots I prefer them dried or I make them into preserves. 

What are your favorite ways to enjoy these fruits?

Have a Fit day!

Annett Davis @FitWithAnnett

Olympian, Body Transformation Coach

Best Tips for a Successful Vegetable Garden 400

Best Tips for a Successful Vegetable Garden


Have you ever planted a tomato plant with the expectation of getting a ton of fresh tomatoes for your summer salads only to harvest about 6? Have you ever planted beans because your friend said they were easy only to see dead leaves and not one bean on it! Have you ever planted cucumbers next to anything else only to find that it took over your garden and now you have nothing except 8” cucumbers in your garden?

I raised my hand on all of the above, because just about every mistake you could make when it comes to gardening I’ve made!

Am I an expert? Nope. Have I learned from my mistakes? Yes I have. I’d love to share what I’ve learned with you so hopefully you won’t make the same mistakes, and instead you’ll have a great healthy garden.

Give Me Some Room Please!

When planting your vegetable garden please pay attention to the little tabs that are stuck in your miniature plants.  Or, if planting using seeds please read the back of the seed packet.  If you are like me, you probably have ignored those all together and instead just stuck the stuff in the ground.  Big mistake! Take heed of the spacing requirements.  If it says plant 3’ apart do it.  Learn from my errors.  If you plant them closer than the packaging says your plants will grow so large that they block the sun from other plants, or their large leaves or vine nature will spread and cover other plants that you have, thus killing them.

Enlighten Me

Once again it’s important that you read your packaging on your seeds or seedlings.  Plants require different amounts of light from full sun, to partial shade and everything between.  If your plant is a full sun plant and you don’t give it enough sunlight it will not thrive. A plant that needs little sunlight that is exposed to full sunlight for 12 hours a day will die because it has been given too much light. Make sure you check your yard to see which spots receive certain amounts of sunlight and for how many hours a day it gets before planting your garden.

All Dirt Is NOT Created Equal

I used to think that you could just go into a backyard, dig a little hole, plant a seed, and a garden would grow.  Boy was I wrong!  There are so many variables of dirt in different parts of the country.  It’s important to know what type of dirt you have. I don’t have the space to write about how to make sure you have great soil here.  To find out all about types of soil, compost, preparing the soil, mulching, and more you can find tons of info here.  My kids actually helped me to prepare the soil for our first square foot raised garden from the book “Square Foot Gardening” using a mixture of several organic fertilizers, vermiculite, and peat moss. This year we’ll use the compost we’ve made over the year to add to it.

Tips From Victoria Davis on How To Grow A Garden (almost age 5)

Want more tips on growing a successful garden? Just listen to my daughter, she’ll tell you. If you want a dose of cuteness or need to smile today, you’ve got to check this out! This is totally unscripted. She’s speaking from the heart about our garden. Enjoy! “How to Grow A Garden by Victoria Davis.”  :)

What gardening mistakes have you made? What will you plant in your garden this year?

Have a Fit day!

Annett @FitWithAnnett

Olympian, Body Transformation Coach

I Can't Grow A Garden 2

I Can’t Grow A Garden, and Other Gardening Myths


One of my fondest memories growing up was helping my mother tend to her garden.  She grew collard greens and tomatoes.  Today, I have continued this tradition with my children.  They get excited every year when Good Friday approaches since that’s when we traditionally plant our vegetable garden.

The benefits of gardening are countless.  From saving money, to eating freshly picked food at their peak, to knowing your food is organic and not full of pesticides, to loading up on foods full of vitamins and minerals that are good for you–you just can’t beat gardening. 

There are myths of gardening that I’d like to dispel today that may have kept you from gardening in the past.  Hopefully this post will give you the confidence and spark that you need to eat fresh at home.

Myth 1:  You have to have a lot of space to garden.

Living in Southern California we are known for having small yards.  At my house we have small raised gardens, which are about 4×8 feet each.  My husband and I made them ourselves following instructions from a blog.  We also followed the instructions from a book called “Square Foot Gardening.”  I’ve grown many types of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, strawberries, and zucchini in our square foot garden.

At gardening stores, and online you can find hydroponic kits where you can grow 20-80 plants in one vertical container! I’ve seen these on small patios at apartments, and even in someone’s front yard. Large pots also work well if you live in a place with a concrete back yard, or if you just have patio space.

Another option if you have a lack of space is to use your patio cover. You can grow things like strawberries and tomatoes in a hanging or even an upside down container attached to the roof of your patio cover.  Instead of letting your small tomatoes “climb” up using a cage, they will hang down. Remember the commercials of those upside down containers? Well, they actually work. 

Myth 2:  The weather is too bad to grow anything where I live.

You don’t have to have an outdoor garden.  If the weather is severe (hot or cold) where you live you can always have an indoor herb and tea garden. Mint (my favorite), chives, basil, rosemary, oregano, and parsley can all easily be grown indoors.  Just use small pots or even old cans. Give them good soil, light, and water.  Once they grow you’ll have access to fresh herbs for your meals anytime. You can also have fresh mint for tea!

Myth 3: I can’t grow anything.  I have a brown thumb.

Don’t sell yourself short.  If you can remember to feed yourself and your husband, you can grow something.

Here are 8 easy to grow vegetables:








Bell Peppers


What myth has held you back from starting a garden?

Have a Fit Day!

Annett @FitWithAnnett

Healthy Spring

4 Tips For A Healthy Spring

What happened to your New Year’s Resolution? Has it faded away like the snow soon will?  Last week the time changed.  The sun shines longer into evening.  Spring is already upon us!

Keep your head up.  Every day is a new opportunity to change your life.  Spring reminds me of things made anew.  From new baby animals, to a colorful array of blooms, to new commitments, spring brings new life. 

There couldn’t be a more perfect time to recommit to a healthier you!  Here are 4 ways to get you started.

Spring Cleaning

The holidays have come and gone and sometimes that leaves our bodies with extra pounds and extra junk in our trunks (if you know what I mean).  A good spring cleanse can help you shed a few unwanted pounds, and help you get rid of some nasty toxins, and habits too.  To help you follow through with any workout or cleanse, accountability is always great to help you cross the finish line.  I know I would not finish half the things I wanted to do without it.  Personally I’ll be doing a 21 day cleanse in my exclusive accountability group starting April 17th.  You are welcome to join me. Whatever you do, make sure it’s healthy and not extreme.  A good spring cleanse, or detox, can give you a good healthy boost.

Lighten Up

Winter cold is leaving us with beautiful warm weather outside.  This means it’s time to get rid of the heavy winter clothes, and lighten up for spring.  I think spring is the perfect time of year to get new workout gear.  Just like the tires on a car, your workout shoes are only good for so many miles.  Invest in a good pair of running shoes or cross trainers, as well as great light and supportive sports bras to start the season off on the right foot.

Farm Fresh to You

You’ve heard that “April showers bring May flowers.”  In our house they bring a lot more than that!  Every spring, usually before Good Friday, we plant a small raised vegetable garden. Instead of relying on the grocery store, why don’t you try out a small garden this year? Even someone in an apartment can grow fresh herbs and a tomato plant. You’ll have the satisfaction of eating your home grown, pesticide free, organic veggies and herbs from your own little personal micro farm.

Move That Body

Spring is the perfect time to press the reset button when it comes to working out.  Running clubs, softball leagues, masters swimming, and free fit clubs all are waiting on YOU to join in.  Check with your local parks and recreation department for workout groups and clubs. If you aren’t lucky enough to have that department just ask a group of friends to start your own fitness club.  I dare you to try something new. Maybe try out an adult ballet class, spin, yoga, or boot camp classes.  To enjoy the outdoors a dodgeball league, walking group or golf lessons could help you spring into shape. 

What are you going to do this year to spring into shape?  

Have a Healthy Day!

Annett @FitWithAnnett

Woman on Scale

How to Lose the Last 5-10 Pounds

In a perfect world you could eat a fairly healthy diet (cheating only on weekends) and workout 3-5 days a week and you’d reach your goal weight.  Like I said, that would be in a perfect world.  In reality, some of us have had those last 5 to 10lbs to lose for years and they just aren’t budging.

Believe me I understand the frustration of those last few pounds ladies.  You feel like you’ve done everything you know how to do yet you are in purgatory (the unwanted period fitness professionals like to call your plateau).

What’s a gal to do? I’ll tell you how to lose those last 10lbs at last so you can shout hallelujah!

Mix it up!

If you are like me, you may be a creature of habit. Maybe you like to do a few things at the gym or at home, and you’ve been doing those same things since 1999.  I have a friend that only likes to run. She runs for miles, more than I ever would, but she still has unwanted belly fat.  How is this possible when she’s run a half marathon? Her body is used to it.

The more you exercise, especially when you do the same types of exercise, your body gets extremely efficient at doing that one thing, thus burning fewer calories.  In order to mix it up, you may need to add more time onto your workout, or push harder. You can do this by adding sprints to your jog, or doing a walk-jog-walk instead of just a walk. Adding on pushups and sit-ups and burpees to the end of your normal workout can help. Even increasing your weights or reps.

Another great way to mix it up is by doing something completely new. Instead of running, try a spin class for a few weeks, or a MMA video like I’m doing.  Personally every 60-90 days I start a brand new workout program, and after a month on that routine I kick it up a notch! This way my body never has time to get into a mode were it’s used to my workout, and I am always burning a ton of calories because of this.

Count It!  

I can’t tell you how many times my clients think they are eating a certain amount of food but really aren’t. How do we find out? We track it! If you are not seeing the results you think you should be getting you may be inadvertently sneaking in more calories than you realize.  You know a scoop of mac and cheese that was in the pot before you cleaned it.  Even licking the spoon after making a pb&j could add an extra 100 calories to your daily count! Use a calorie tracker or an old fashioned note pad and pencil and track every thing you eat during the day to make sure you aren’t exceeding your calories allowed for that day. Remember to lose you need a deficit.

Measure It! 

Most Americans have an issue with portion control because they just don’t know what a correct portion looks like.  If you are eating a full bowl of pasta you are probably eating too much of it. If you are eating an entire regular bagel you are actually eating 2 servings. Check your portion sizes, and measure your food by weighing it our measuring to make sure you are not overeating.

Don’t Drink It! 

Probably the easiest way to drop those last pounds is to stop drinking sugary juice, soda, and sugary coffee.  Instead start drinking water. For most of us, over 20% of our daily calories come from beverages! Most drinks sold are full of unwanted sugar, which helps to keep the pounds on.  Stop drinking your calories, and switch to good old fashioned H20.  One client of mine lost 5lbs in a couple weeks by doing this alone!

Happy Wives, you have the tools, now use them! Let me know how you do.