Bounce Back to Healthy After a Holiday
July 4th just passed and I can tell you that I didn’t hold back. I ate ribs, tri tip and Uncle Dave’s bleu cheeseburger, along with mac n’ cheese, baked beans, and potato salad.
As if that wasn’t enough, later that evening I had a surprise inside red, white, and blue cupcake and a helping of my famous spicy peach cobbler. Boy was I feeling it that night.
Thankfully I completed a sweat dripping 45 minute Turbo Fire kickboxing workout in the comfort of my mom’s living room that morning with my sister which registered at over 3 miles of punching and kicking on my Fitbit.
If you are like me, the day after a holiday is just as bad as the holiday itself because you have leftovers, and try everything you couldn’t fit on your first or second plate the day before.
Lucky for us all, today is a new day! And we can get back on the road to healthy whenever we decide. For me, today is that day.
How to Bounce Back to Healthy After a Holiday
1. Shake it up. After a holiday I like to start my mornings by drinking a meal replacement drink. Something with a great taste, plenty of vitamins and minerals, and chock full of super foods and protein is what I go for. Personally, I drink Shakeology, but find one that suits you. Look for a shake with low sugar, no extra chemical junk added, and a calorie range of 150-300 calories this will help you to not overeat.
2. Go Green. Another trick of mine is to eat tons of greens after I splurge during a holiday. Loading up on greens will help to regulate your system, and push out the junk you indulged on. You’ll feel light and energized. I go for a huge salad full of veggies and a light homemade dressing for lunch for about 3 days straight after big holidays.
3. Water Down. This is probably a no brainer, but it never ceases to amaze me how little water people drink. When you are detoxing your body from the shock you put on it during a holiday you must drink plenty of water. For me, that means 2-3 liters (or even 1 gallon, which is a ton so be careful, you can over do it).
4. Meatless Monday. Usually I start my cleansing process on a Monday, and I make it a meatless day. You read all of the different meats that my body had to try to digest this holiday weekend. My system is taxed, yours probably is too. Give it a break by having a few meatless meals.
5. Move it Lady! At least 30 minutes a day this week get your body moving. Whether it’s for a walk, swim, or if you pop in a workout video like I do, you must move your body. The combination of eating well, drinking water and working out will help your body bounce back and get you moving in a healthy direction again.
As always, I’m here to help. Feel free to ask me questions below or on Facebook @Get Fit With Annett.
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