Tag Archives: happy wives

8 Essential Keys to Being a Happy Wife

8 Essential Keys to Being a Happy Wife

8 Essential Keys to Being a Happy Wife

Every now and again, I receive a guest post that makes me stand up and cheer.  Maybe not literally, but while I’m reading it I begin saying to myself, “Yes, yes, yes!”  

This post by one of our newest HWC contributors, Christine St. Vil, is just that.  It’s short…actually, quite a bit shorter than the usual, but oh so mighty!

She hits the nail on the head and punctuates it with advice from her parents who have been happily married for more 47 years.  

Just three years from their golden anniversary…I’m definitely heeding their advice!

There are so many important ingredients in the recipe for a happy marriage, and the ingredients and spices you use in your recipe might be completely different than what I use in mine.

But what I love about posts like this is I’m reminded to stay focused on my own recipe and keep on perfecting it.

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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I can’t help but feel so excited to be a part of such an awesome community as HWC! It’s a place where bragging about my husband will never get old. Yes folks, happy wives really do exist (and I’m one of them)!

For many couples, we really do enjoy being married, and yes, we really are happy.

Here are 8 Essential Keys to Being a Happy Wife

1.  A happy wife knows how to FLY (First Love Yourself). I know this is not the first time you’re hearing it, but it’s really important: you cannot be happy or love someone else in any relationship, if you are unhappy and unloving to yourself. It all starts from within.

2.  A happy wife expresses love to her spouse. She shows her spouse love by having an attitude of gratitude. She tells him how much she appreciates even the smallest of contributions and support.

3.  A happy wife respects her spouse. Regardless of differences of opinions, she never engages in name calling or disrespectful behavior towards her spouse.

4.  A happy wife surrounds herself with other happy wives. And she’s not ashamed of distancing herself from unhappy or bitter wives. She knows she can lean on other happy wives for prayer and support.

5.  A happy wife treats her marriage like a ministry. Regardless of your religious affiliation, marriage is a ministry. It’s designed for you to serve your spouse. When you focus on making your husband happy, he will naturally do the same for you.

6.  A happy wife knows which battles are worth picking. Is it really worth the nagging that turns into fussing if you know he’s never going to remember to put the toilet seat down? Hanging on to the smaller idiosyncrasies can prohibit you from seeing that he did the dishes without asking, or took out the trash without the daily reminder.

7.  A happy wife is okay admitting when she’s wrong. This was a tough one for me early on because I was one who really hated to be wrong and still do at times. But the difference now is that I can own up to my faults and I can admit when I’m wrong. Humility goes a long way. Learn to laugh at your own mistakes.

8.  A happy wife knows when it’s time to let go. I interviewed my parents recently as they celebrated 47 years of marriage and this was one of their tips for reaching this milestone: They have the understanding that nobody is perfect, and they don’t expect each other to be. But nothing is more important than the sustainability of their union.

Are you a happy wife? What key would you add to this list?


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The One Thing All Happy Wives Have in Common

Marriage Mondays: The One Thing All Happy Wives Have in Common

The One Thing All Happy Wives Have in Common

On Friday, I wrote about ten things your husband does that just don’t matter.  A comment posted by Kim Hall later summed it up perfectly.  She said:

“[You have to] put things in proper perspective.  I think a great question to ask ourselves is this: If I lost my husband today, would I be grateful he was gone because now the toilet seat would always be down, paper rolling the right way, clothes no longer on the floor, etc.? That question really zooms those little things back into their proper perspective for me!”

What I loved about Kim’s comment is it cuts right to the heart of a particular matter.  It reminds us of something Richard Carlson, PhD spent his brief lifetime telling us, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and it’s all small stuff.

So, how is your marital perspective?

The Happy Wives Club is a community of close to 150,000 women in more than 100 countries around the world, and my conversations with thousands -literally, thousands- of them, has taught me one simple truth. Those who are genuinely happy all have this in common: Perspective.

When Keith boarded a flight early Friday morning, there was little I cared about more than his safe return. No quirk, idiosyncrasy, flaw or fault of his could mean more to me than him coming home safely.

And when he is home, I feel the same way. No flaw, quirk or difference will ever override my love, respect and adoration for this man I am honored to call my husband.

There is a great quote by Maya Angelou, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.”  I learned long ago that nothing good comes from complaining.  Nothing productive whatsoever.  

Good, however, always comes out of keeping everything in the proper perspective.  It frees us to go after exactly what we desire most, to create our happily ever after through gratitude, and to not waste time on anything that will not matter in the end.  It allows us to solve problems with our spouse rather than against them.

This, I am certain, my fellow happy wives and I have in common.  And that is one of the many reasons I am so honored to be a member of this club.

QUESTION: How important do you think perspective is in the lives of those who are genuinely happy?  (would love to hear from you in the comment section below)

Until tomorrow…make it a great day!

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