7 Step Tank Top Arms Workout
What a beautiful and long summer it has been – one of the longest tank top seasons that I can remember!
My husband loves for me to wear tank tops because he loves my shoulders. But, when I’m not physically fit I can’t stand to wear tanks because if I’m not in shape, I cannot hide my flabby arms.
So what’s a girl to do?
Keep them in shape all year round!
7 Step Tank Top Arms Workout
As with any workout, talk with your doctor before beginning. You don’t want to get hurt. Know your limits, and don’t go beyond them. Safety should always be first. Be smart.
Equipment Needed:
- Sturdy chair or bench
- 3-15 lb dumbbells or light and medium bands
- timer
How Many to Do?
- 3 sets of 8-15 repetitions for each exercise
Military Push-Up: Place your hands a few inches away from the sides of your chest. Start in a plank position with your arms in a straight almost locked elbow position, and your body as straight as a board (your feet no more than 12 inches apart). Keeping your elbows tucked in towards your body, lower down as far as you can go before pushing your weight back up. You can do this on your knees until you are strong enough to be on your feet.
Chair Dips: Place the heels of your hands at the edge of a sturdy chair or bench. You should also push that chair/bench against a wall so that it doesn’t slide when you workout. Sliding your butt off of the seat, your weight will be placed on your hands. Keeping your feet at a 90 degree angle on the floor, your body should still look as if you are sitting in the chair, with your body as close to the chair as possible.
Bend your elbows back, and slowly lower your butt towards the floor. Your elbows must remain tucked in. Your back/body should just clear the edge of the seat. Use your arms only to push back up to the starting position, almost locking your arms. That cycle is one repetition.
Side-Arm Raises: Hold a light dumbbell (3-5lbs) in each hand resting them against your sides with your arms straight and elbows locked. Keeping your tummy tight and engaged, slowly raise both of your arms out to your side stopping when you reach the top of your shoulders, then slowly lower again. That’s one rep, then repeat.
Front-Arm Raises: These are the same as the side-arm raises, except you will raise your arms in front of you. Your palms should be facing the ground. Raise your arms slowly up to shoulder height, then slowly lower them down again for one repetition.
Bicep Curls: Hold a heavier dumbbell (5-15lbs) in each hand with your palms facing up towards the sky and both arms down by your sides. Keeping your abs tight bend your arms at the elbows until your arm makes a 90 degree angle, then lower again. Repeat 8-12 times.
Triceps Press: Use light (3-8lb) dumbbells, one in each hand. Place your right foot in front of your left in a runners stance, with your upper body slightly leaning forward bent at the waist (as if you are going to take off running in a race). With your tummy tight, start with your arms in 90 degree angle and your hands in a vertical position. Straighten your arms by pushing them backwards as if you are trying to touch someone in back of you with the weights. Then bring them back to the bent starting position, and repeat.
Punches: Hold your 3lb weights, one in each hand in a vertical position, having your arms bent at 90 degrees close to your sides. Press your arms forward as if you are punching someone, but DO NOT lock your elbows. Gently punch and pull them back in to your sides. Alternate punches. Keep your abs tight the entire time. Punch for 30 seconds, and do 3 sets, resting 30 seconds to 1 minute between sets.
Comment: How do you get summer ready?
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